Friday, September 13, 2024


We had a great morning with our Grandparents today!

This year, the setup was quite different...everyone was indoors for the refreshments. I thought it was a great idea! 

Thank you Corky's for the delicious baked goods! I made sure to get myself a cinnamon roll!! They have the BEST rolls, especially when you warm them up😍. But I digress...

Next, we got to enjoy...

There were a variety of talent being displayed. We had drummers...

and dancers...

and a magician...

and cheer...

and a gymnast...

and a saxophone player!

But the MOST AMAZING TALENT was one of our own classmates, Gracie!! Watch this!

I totally would have given her the golden buzzer!! Way to go, Gracie! So proud of you! 

After the amazing show, it was time for the Grandparents to go shop at the Book Fair and also visit the classrooms:

I loved meeting them all! 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

POV: Fly on the Wall (Part 2)

 Here is PART 2 of my "fly on the wall" series! I want you to see the daily glimpses of life in 3rd grade.

I thought you might enjoy seeing what our lunch time looks like. I LOVE the smiles on their faces! 

I was very impressed by this hand-roll action going on here! YUMMY!

Great job on eating the broccoli :) 

This is Miss Guzman, our new Spanish teacher. Her contact is 

She had the kids create a drawing for Grandparents' Day.

This video clip is of the kids in their "Learning Groups". They will occasionally get into these groups to do assignments together. I loved how nicely they interacted, and how they were willing to help one another.

This is Mrs. Plitt. She is our Writing Specialist as well as our Librarian. If you have any questions for her, please contact 

We are moving right along in learning our multiplication songs. This is the 6's song: 

Say hello to Mrs. Lani Zhang, our STEAM teacher. Her email address is

And finally, this is Miss Faranal. She is our Music teacher! I wanted to get pictures of the kids singing with her, but they had already lined up, so I took a quick pic. Her contact information is

The only specialist that I did not get a picture of is Mrs. Barnes our PE teacher. if you need to get in touch with her, the address is

I love our worship time in chapel! These kids bless my heart so much. Watching them sing songs to Jesus is one of my favorite things.

I hope you enjoyed seeing your kids in action! I feel very blessed to have each of them in my class :)