Friday, February 16, 2018

Celebrating the LOVE of JESUS!!

Here are some pictures from our Valentine's Day Party. Thank you for sending the treats, paper goods, bags, and stickers to make our party a success!

Thanks to the parents who came to help. 

Here we are, decorating our bags for our Valentine's. 

Don't you just LOVE IT when you end up being twinsies without even planning on it??

These festive donuts made me SO VERY HAPPY:)

Don't worry...we had a plate of veggies, too, to balance things out! 

I love to capture the pure joy on these kids faces! 

Here are the kids handing out the Valentine cards and gifts for all of their classmates. 

We also recited our LOVE memory verses from I Corinthians 13, and sang worship songs to Jesus about His love. 

Thank you, Jesus, for loving us FIRST. 

Math Mania!

I took a few pics during our Math class over the last couple of weeks. We do a ton of worksheets, so I make an intentional effort to do some hands on work as well:) 

The scale competition was fun...I gave them a metric weight, and the first table to get to the exact gram was the winner.

It was line playing Jenga at the same time:) 

We also try to prepare for our math MAP testing a couple of times a week. We have been learning some math vocabulary words that would be helpful to know for the test. 

Yes, we make this into a competition as well to see which group can match up the words with the definitions first! 

This is our Multiply and Divide Around the World table. We are having kids graduate to the Division passport each week. 

We are having fun learning about fractions this week. In these photos, the kids are finding equivalent fractions using the tiles. 

I love how the students teach one another in their small groups.