Sunday, May 5, 2024


We are SO excited for WEEK 2 of                          Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! 


Today, we had to witness the unfortunate fall of Augustus Gloop into the chocolate river.

His lack of self control finally got to him!

Once again, Mrs. Johnston was able to contact Willy Wonka's factory. This time, we got a sample of the chocolate  river...BEFORE Augustus fell in, of course.

Thank you to our amazing Mrs. Sarmiento for always serving us! 

Here we are taking our first sips. Apparently it tastes like hot chocolate. 😋😋😋😋😋😋


Today, we got to go into the Inventing Room and found out about all sorts of magical candies invented by Willy Wonka. 

One of them is the Everlasting Gobstopper! He made them for "children with very little pocket money", as it lasts forever. 

We were very excited to taste the various flavors that seemed to change every minute! 


Today, we read about the Fizzy Lifting Drink from the Wonka factory! 

It was quite fizzy and bubbly! We were REALLY hoping it would work! 
THIS was the affect we were looking for, just like in the movie!!

However, it didn't quite work out as we had hoped. Oh well. We can't win them all. 


Mr. Wonka also mentioned the lick-able wallpaper.

"The wallpaper has pictures of all these fruits printed on it, and when you lick the picture of a banana, it tastes of banana. When you lick a strawberry, it tastes of strawberry. And when you lick a snozzberry, it tastes just exactly like a snozzberry..."

Yup. You guessed it. We HAD to try it! 
It's a good thing that we happened to have lick-able wallpaper!!

The wallpaper was delicious!


One of the most wonderful inventions by Willy Wonka was the "Invisible Candy Bars for Eating in Class". I handed one out to each of the students in the classroom. Take a look: 

Another clever invention was the "Exploding Sweets For Your Enemies". We were a little hesitant to put them in our mouths, but we were brave: 

What a wonderful adventure this has been! We cannot wait to see the original 1971 movie soon.

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