Saturday, December 2, 2023

WEEK 1: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe 2023

After the kids left for Thanksgiving break, it started to snow in the classroom. The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe books were set out, waiting for the kids to open its pages. 

Yes, it's beginning to look a lot like Narnia!

I wish you could have seen the kids when they first walked in to the classroom! I had the lights turned off so all you could see were the white lights around the room. There was also a winter scenery playing on the projector...their reaction made it all worth it!! 

Here we go with week #1...


On Monday, we met Lucy and Mr. Tumnus. We immediately loved Lucy for her kind and gentle spirit.

We tagged along when she went to the cave where Mr. Tumnus lived, and listened in to their conversation.

We could not believe that Mrs. Johnston was able to get some tea from Narnia! We turned on our fireplace, and waited for the kettle to boil.

It smelled so sweet!

A toast! To Narnia!


In today's reading, we were shocked to witness the lure and the temptations of sin through Edmund and the White Witch.

CS Lewis masterfully explains its deceitful nature.The Turkish Delight tasted delicious, as sin oftentimes is "delicious" at the time, but then later leads to destruction. Edmund found himself wanting more. 

He "...thought only of trying to shovel down as much Turkish Delight as he could, and the more he ate the more he wanted to eat..." (chapter 4).

We discussed how oftentimes we start with a small bite of sin. But before we know it, we find ourselves rationalizing as we take more bites.  

You should have seen their eyes when I told the kids that I had some Turkish Delight for them to try.

Some gave it a thumbs up, while others were not quite sure about it!

I have been praying for the students every day, that they would learn to recognize the deceit of sin. The only way to do that is for them to know THE TRUTH in God's Word. 


Today's reading happened outside in the COLD! We wanted to experience what it must have felt like in Narnia.

Finally, all of the Pevensie children were in the wardrobe: Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy.

Here are pictures of the students with their wardrobe creation!


Today, we met Mr. and Mrs. Beaver who served us a lovely meal. 

Mrs. Beaver made us boiled potatoes (Ruffles chips) and freshly baked bread with marmalade.

Mr. Beaver caught some trout (Goldfish crackers), and it was so nice to have freshly caught and fried fish!

We also heard the name of ASLAN for the very first time from Mr. and Mrs. Beaver!! We cannot wait to meet him soon.


Today, we found out that ASLAN is on the move! He is in Narnia...which means the White Witch's reign over the land is weakening!

Remember that it had been "always winter but never Christmas" in Narnia? Well, today, we met Father Christmas!! 

He gave gifts to the Pevensie children as well as to Mr. and Mrs. Beaver. 

We were surprised to find that we got gifts from Father Christmas as well. I told the kids that every time they hear the bells jingle, they need to say in their hearts, 

"Thank you Jesus for coming!" 

It will be a good reminder of why we are celebrating Christmas.

Next week, we will find out what happens when Aslan enters into the story. 

"Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight.

At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more,

When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death.

And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again."

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