Sunday, November 1, 2020


The kids have been doing an impressive job in their Book Clubs each week! 

As they read their chapters, each student fills out their "Ticket to Discussion". If they do not complete their ticket or the reading, they are not allowed to participate with the group. This is an excellent way to keep each member accountable since they do not want to miss out on being with their Book Club.

The ticket is used to give input for each person's job for the day. Here are the descriptions of each job: 

When they meet on Fridays, they fill out their job portion in their booklet as they receive input from other members: 

Below is the pledge that we say before the Clubs meet together: 

After the jobs have been completed, each person gets to "plant a seed of discussion". This is their favorite time of Book Clubs. Listen in: 

Enjoy their cute little faces of pics from the last couple of Book Club times!

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