The 3rd Grade Superstars of United Christian Academy
Sunday, September 12, 2021
A Hodge-Podge of Happenings
When my kids were in school here at UCA, I often wondered how they were doing during the day, and wished I could be a fly on the wall.
Well, this blog is my attempt to give you a few glimpses of a variety of things that have been happening both in and out of our classrooms!
For example, during the kids' Spanish class the other day, I was very impressed with how they were able to say their phone numbers in Español. I whipped out my phone and took a couple of videos. Mrs. Plitt is doing a great job teaching our kiddos!
Did you know that our chapel times are now split into K-2, and then 3-5th? Bob the Bible Guy from ALFC came and spoke at our chapel on Thursday. He is always a hit with the kids!
I want to share with you some "sounds of learning". I love it when they get with partners to share their thoughts. These are clips of the kids going over the comprehension questions for one of the Journeys stories a couple of weeks ago.
I've been wanting to show you this video for a's the Continents and Oceans of the World CHANT! Can you name all of them?
Did you know that our students got to attend the first ever Student Council election assembly?
Congratulations to Jahan's older sister Rishta for being elected to be the secretary! She did a great job on her speech.
And finally, did you see how WONDERFUL our gift card display turned out?? Thanks to your generosity, we collected over $600 worth of cards. And thank you to Tina Chen (our assistant room mom) for stepping in to help our room mom who was caring for her sick kids at home.
Guess what? Mrs. Sarmiento ended up winning Mrs. Kok's class basket! Congratulations!! If anyone deserves to win, it's Mrs. Sarmiento.
Wow! Tons of exciting happenings at UCA, thank you for sharing.