Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 2020

We have had a rich time of reading and discussing the first ten chapters of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe this week. 

We have already fallen in love with the Pevensie children...well, most of them...and have been shocked at the choices made by one of the brothers, Edmund. 

Through the luring of the White Witch, we witnessed the power of sin, and the deception of it all. 

The Turkish Delight tasted delicious, as sin oftentimes is "delicious" at the time, but then later leads to destruction. Edmund found himself wanting more. He "...thought only of trying to shovel down as much Turkish Delight as he could, and the more he ate the more he wanted to eat..." (chapter 4). 

In order to truly enter into the story, I wanted the class to try Turkish Delight for themselves.

Here is a video of the first moment they tried it: 

You can clearly see that some kids loved it...

...while others did not!

Tea with Mr. Tumnus

The next day, the children got to enjoy some Narnian Tea while the fire crackled in the background. 

It actually felt like we were spending some time with Mr. Tumnus in his cave. 

Dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Beaver

The next day, we met Mr. and Mrs. Beaver. We had dinner with them, along with Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy.

The menu was trout, potatoes, and rolls with marmalade. Mrs. Beaver was quite the cook! The freshly caught fish by Mr. Beaver was excellent as well. 

We are looking SO forward to finally meeting Aslan next week! 

We need to get our tissues ready...

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